Raiden Sky

Who Is Raiden Sky?

No One Teaches Trading Like Raiden Sky

Raiden Sky, Inc. is an eductional and informational publisher of investment and trading strategies created by Roy Oliver. A professional level trader with more than 20+ years experience. The officials of Raiden Sky have various backgrounds in trading and investments and with some initially having more experience than the owner(s). We are a group of simple traders that knows how the market is wired and we share our trading ideas and strategies amongst the group. No one teaches trading like Raiden Sky and we're proud to teach our methods for getting wealthy over time through trading the correct way.

Orignially established as a private trading educational firm, Raiden Sky is taking a new direction now that trading is becoming mainstream with the help of social media. With what was traditionally taught to high income earners for maximizing their financial goals, the company as of 2024 has begun providing their knowledge and services to the general public. Our new mission is to offer afforable services and products to help lower income individuals learn the trading skills of 7 and 10 figure traders.

We absolutely love teaching with zero fluff and we believe the financial industry is massively confusing on purpose to keep the cool kids away. That would be you. At Raiden Sky, we carved out all of the fluff and threw away complicated concepts, so that anyone can understand regardless of their background. We may crank out a rant once in a while and it is all with love in order to protect you and your account(s).

Rant Time

Quite honestly, we are disguisted at what we're seeing running rampant throughout the internet involving new traders. They are being taught poorly after paying heavy sums of their hard earned money to popular slick talking influencers that never give them the full picture. These unfortunate new traders learn a little about a lot from those individuals and are left clueless when they have lost all of their money. Nothing makes us more angry when coming across these stories and we are going to do everything within our power to fight against the lies these new traders are being led to believe.

It's been said in our industry that trading is simple, but not easy. The reason this is true is because 90% of the industry's ways is a gigantic psyop (psychological operations) designed with pitfalls to steal your money. For this reason, this is why 90% of those traders fail. They become dog food to more experienced wolves (i.e., market competitors). What isn't said enough, however, is those that stick it out and actually learn how to trade can end up becoming the success stories we all know and love.

Every chance we get, we are going to remind the public to be cautious of the free content you find online including ours. The skills we teach are used by verified millionaire traders, so to think that any influencer or even Raiden Sky is going to share the good stuff for free is pure fantasy. What new traders think they see online for free is only half the picture. That's not trading...

If you can afford it, go off and join those other flashy groups or a YouTuber that claims to hit 1,000% returns. After you fail and then decide you're ready to actually learn how to trade, we will be here waiting for you with open arms and a big fat "We told you so."

The New Structure

In 2024, we began to structure an online presence to capture a different market of new and struggling traders. We are releasing affordable products with just enough information for diligent customers to succeed more than they thought possible.

However, to be a more well rounded trader, those interested will need to reach out to us for mentorship. A Raiden Sky Trader gets what we call, "The Good Stuff". Those that wish to join our once exclusive mentorship program may do so at a more affordable coaching fee than ever before. This is for traders that have no idea why their strategy no longer works. This is for those interested in trading that do not want to waste years and years learning how the pros do it. This is for traders that want to learn a variety of simple high performing concepts for sharpening their edge in any market.

We are in the process of revamping our mentoriship service as we transition towards helping the general public (i.e, retail traders). For this reason, we have released one of our best performing strategies that most of us routinely use. We call that The Holy Grail trading strategy. Slowly, we may release more products this way, but don't count on it. Students do perform better when they have a mentor to show them the way. A mentor they can ask all of their questions to and show them tricks to outperform more retail traders that will never seek furthering their education through a proper and modern program.

As we work to revamp our mentorship service geared towards a better delivery for the general public, be patient, and enjoy a tiny snippet of what we have to offer with the HGT.


In our industry, the trading industry, the following words are common: Profitable/Profitability, Consistency/Consistently, High Win Rate, and Leverage or Margin. Regarding Profitable/Profitability: It is commonly known in our industry that 99% of retail traders are not profitable. Regarding Consistency/Consistently: It is commonly known in our industry that 1% of trading strategies win consistently. Regarding High Win Rate: It is commonly known in our industry that high win rates are not necessary and that some strategies are a lot higher than others. Regarding Leverage/Margin: It is commonly known in our industry that some strategies are greatly enhanced when using leverage or margin to maximize trades. Products may be named based on research or artistic expression. Products are objects. An object's name cannot be sensationalized text just as a person's name cannot be viewed as sensationalized text. Names are legally binding labels even by common law standards.

Being that Raiden Sky (i.e., the Company) may use popular advertising platforms, these platforms have policies in place that suggest they do not trust their customer's ability to make wise decisions. As a result, Raiden Sky is complying with those platforms in this section. These platforms have policies in place that force companies in the business of promoting income strategies to post their disclaimer section on the front page of products. This is similar to the tiny font seen below in TV commercials. These platforms do not trust their customers to navigate to a disclaimer page. These platforms do not trust their customer's common sense to know that we are not a Get Rich Quick service. These platforms do not trust their customer's reading comprehension of a standard product page. The core reason for this is simply. Common sense is no longer common. These platforms need to greatly reduce any customer that attempts to contact or blame these platforms for forces outside of those platform's authority. Therefore, you as a prospect should read this entire section before moving forward in order to satisfy and comply with these advertising platforms. Any advertising platform that Raiden Sky is listed with are not members of the Company and have no affiliation with the Company.

Raiden Sky, an American based Company, is not a financial advisor nor a financial institution. Consult your own financial advisor for any investment advise needed. Raiden Sky is an educational and entertainment publisher of market trading content. We, the Company, do not promote nor offer financial products or services. Any individual that does not understand the definitions of educational and entertainment should not interact with the Company. This also pertains to trolls that pretend to not understand for the sake of self amusement. Regardless, the Company is not responsible or liable for any damages caused by your actions and interpretations. No single entity, other than yourself, is responsible for your actions and interpretations.

No federal laws or local laws in the United States of America prohibit Raiden Sky from engaging in the commerce of providing educational and entertainment products as described. As a result, Raiden Sky is not required to hold any certifications to publish educational and entertainment content pertaining its business. Raiden Sky is an internet based business and is not required by federal or local laws in the United States of America to hold a physical brick and mortar location. You may only contact the Company by email unless other forms of contact are provided. Email technology was created by Ray Tomlinson in 1971 and is still heavily used today for EVERYTHING. That means emailing the Company is a reliable source of communication. It is your right to contact us first in order to determine if we are a real legitimate entity.

Our products are not clickbait. The definition of clickbait is as follows: Clickbait is a text, a thumbnail, or a video that is designed to attract attention and to entice users to follow that link and read, view, or listen to the linked piece of online content, being typically deceptive, sensationalized, or otherwise misleading. By its very definition, clickbait should never been confused with clever advertising that is truthful. Our products are delivered as documented without false claims and are not designed to trick customers into buying. Our products and services pertain to strategies that could be used to generate income as documented. We make no guarantees for any results you may think or dream about after consuming our content. Results may vary. You are responsible for all risks. The nature of our business may inspire you to dream that you can get rich quick. Raiden Sky does not promot get rich quick products or services. Because Raiden Sky became wealthy by implementing our strategies, that does not mean the same will happen for you. Growing your wealth is entirely your responsibilty regardless of how much our content entertained or inspired you.